Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity to host competent person safety training, January 25-26
December 18th, 2017 Posted by nspfrank Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity to host competent person safety training, January 25-26”Thursday and Friday
January 25-26
Construction OSHA Training – $130
(2-day course | 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.)
Who Should Attend?
Anyone who operates a construction site or is associated with construction activities. It is an OSHA requirement that you have a trained “Competent Person” on the job site. If you do not have such a person on a site, you could be risking more than you may realize!
Habitat for Humanity invites you to participate in this very important training session. This class is open to both Habitat /Non-Habitat staff and volunteers.
The training will be led by:
Habitat for Humanity International- U.S. Safety Specialist
Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity is hosting this safety training for anyone involved in construction or retail operations, including staff and volunteers. The workshop will be held at WVHFH Office, 303 Market Street, Kingston, PA, 18704, 2nd floor. Class size is limited to 30 people, so be sure to register before classes are filled!
**Registration fees will cover materials, lunch and snacks. Attendees will be tested, and certified as a “Competent Person” u
The training sessions will cover four (4) major areas:
- Fall Protection
- Scaffolding
(Fabricated Type, Pump Jack Type, Bracket Type)
- General Jobsite Electrical Safety
- Stairways and Ladders
General Information
To make Hotel reservations for the event,
call (800) 762-2222 and reference the group code Habitat.
Woodlands Inn
1073 Highway 315
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
(570) 824-9831
(800) 762-2222
Register by January 16, 2018
To Register Contact:
Rachelle at
or call